Synopeas talhouki

Synopeas talhouki Vlug

Taxonomic placing: Insecta, Holometabola, Hymenoptera, Apocrita, Platygasteridae.

Morphology: Body about 1.5 mm in length, mostly black, legs yellow with irregular black spots, anterior wings with a only short vein, antennae with 10 segments, distal segments forming a club.

Geographic distribution: At this time known only from Lebanon.

Life history and economic importance: A very common parasitoid of Odinadiplosis amygdali. It is monovoltine, laying its egg in the host’s egg and developing therein, the adult emerging in spring from the pupa. It and attacks large numbers of the pest, but due to its slow development, S. talhouki kills its host only as the latter has reached the pupal stage. By that time most of the damage has already been done.


Doğanlar, M. 2012. Almond bud gall midge, Odinadiplosis amygdal (Anagnostopoulos) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), parasitoid complex and economic importance in Hatay province. Türk. entomol. Bülttin 2: 233-242.

Talhouk, A.M. 2002. Insects and Mites injurious to Crops in Middle Eastern Countries. 2nd Edition. American University of Beirut Press, pp 269.

Vlug, H.J. 1976. Synopeas talhouki n.sp. (Hym. Platygastridae), a parasite of Odinadiplosis amygdali (Anagnostopoulos) (Dipt. Cecidomyidae) with notes on its distribution and biology. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie 80: 262-266.
