


Taxonomic placing: Insecta, Hemimetabola, Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha, Coccomorpha, Coccoidea.

Common name: False pit scales.

Geographical distribution: World-wide. The family consists of about 80 species in 12 genera.

Morphology: The shields are yellow-brown with a waxy covering that bears eight transverse ridges and a longitudinal ridge in the center. Body with numerous 8-shaped pores and cribriform plates. Usually legless.

Life history: These scales infest the trunks and branches of shrubs and trees in about 70 plant families, especially the Fabaceae, usually raising a single annual generation. They excrete honeydew and are often attended by ants.

Economic importance: Lecanodiaspis africana is a pest of guava in Egypt.

