Recurvaria nanella Denis & Schiffermüller
Common name: Lesser bud moth.
Taxonomic placing: Insecta, Holometabola, Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae.
Morphology: The larvae are reddish-brown, about 9 mm in length. Adults 6 mm in length, forewings greyish with darker areas, hindwings grey, with long posterior fringes,
Geographic distribution: Europe, the Middle East and North America.
Host plants: Quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill.).
Life history: This moth is univoltine. From late summer to next spring the young larvae are in diapause on the host trees. They initially feed on the buds, later on the leaves which they tie together with silken threads. By late-May the fully-grown larvae pupate, the adults emerging a few weeks later. They lay 100-150 eggs/female, and some may fly away. The emerging larvae mine for a while in quince leaves without causing any damage and by mid-summer form cocoons in which they remain in diapause until next spring.
Economic importance: A major pest of quince in Lebanon and Syria, which may destroy the entire crop.
Biological control: In Lebanon and Syria the pest is attacked by several parasitoids, but their impact is unknown.
Kenal, M., Kocak, A.O. and Kizildag, S. 2019. Description of a new Recurvaria species from East Turkey (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae), _ Miscellaneous Papers, Centre for Entomological Studies, Ankara_ Nr 181 – 17 02.
Talhouk, A.M. 2002. Insects and Mites Injurious to Crops in Middle Eastern Countries. 2nd Edition. American University of Beirut Press.