- Tachinidae
- Taproot
- Tarsonemidae
- Tarsus
- Tassel
- Tegmen
- Tenebrionidae
- Tenent hairs
- Tenthredinidae
- Tenuipalpidae
- Tephritidae
- Terebrantia
- Tergum
- Tetranychidae
- Tetranychoidea
- Thaumastocoridae
- Thaumetopoeidae
- Thelytokous
- Thorax
- Threshold of development
- Threshold of development
- Thripidae
- Thumb claw
- Thysanoptera
- Tiller
- Tingidae
- Titre
- Tolerance
- Tortricidae
- Torymidae
- Tospoviruses
- Tracheae
- Transgenic
- Translaminar
- Trellis
- Trichogrammatidae
- Trichomes
- Triozidae
- Triterpenes
- Tritonymph
- Tritrophic
- Trombidiidae
- Tropiduchidae
- Tuber
- Tubercle
- Tubers
- TubularDucts
- Tubulifera
- Tydeidae
- Tympanum